
Our Lady's Grove Primary School

01 2988694admin@olgps.ie

Goatstown Rd., Dublin 14, D14 Y993 (Roll-number: 19374W)

Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20203725

Mission Statement

Return to Ethos.

Our Lady’s Grove Primary School is a Catholic community rooted in the educational philosophy of St. Claudine Thévenet.

In Our Lady’s Grove we strive to create a happy, safe, loving, caring and nurturing environment conducive to the attainment of the educational, creative, moral and spiritual potential of each child, enabling them to participate as responsible citizens at home, in school and within the school community at present, and ultimately within our society.

School Ethos

Our Lady’s Grove is a Catholic Primary School where the religious instruction and preparation for the sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation, in accordance with the doctrine and the tradition of the Catholic Church is part of the education given to Catholic children attending our school. Children of no Faith and other Faiths are accommodated during these times.

Our Lady’s Grove strives to be a school of educational excellence with a commitment to develop and enrich each child’s personality through a child-centred education which promotes inclusion, tolerance, respect and an openness to the world around us.

  • The children experience the love of living life together within our school community
  • The children are nurtured so that they develop self-esteem and confidence to reach their full potential
  • Our school seeks to promote healthy interpersonal relationships throughout the community with an appreciation and respect of others who are different to ourselves
  • The well-being of every child is our priority. Children are supported to face the future with hope and confidence. They are nurtured in a spirit of mutual respect and responsibility for themselves, for others and for the environment
  • Close contact between home and school is maintained. Parents/Guardians and school staff support one another and collaborate with each other in leading and supporting the children to the fullness of their potential at the different stages of their primary education
  • Teaching and learning is characterised by love, patience and understanding, encapsulating the overall development of the children, their individuality and their life circumstances
  • In fostering an openness to our world, our teaching and learning encourages the children to build a more sustainable, just and tolerant society


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