Homework - Guidelines for Parents
Return to Our School.Homework is given Monday through Thursday.
In general, homework is not given at weekends. If set homework is not completed satisfactorily, a teacher may decide that it will be done at the weekend.
The following are the guidelines for the amount of time that should be spent on homework;
- Junior Infants - 5-10 minutes
- Senior Infants - 10 minutes. Reading every night, writing 2-3 nights
- First Class - 15-20 minutes
- Second Class - 20 minutes
- Third Class - 30 minutes
- Fourth Class - 45 minutes
- Fifth Class - 40-60 minutes
- Sixth Class - One hour
These are guidelines only, as children vary in ability and application. Some children take less time and other need more time. If a child has spent the suggested period of time working on the homework and still has difficulty finishing, a parent should sign the unfinished work and send a note of explanation to the teacher.
- Encourage the children for all efforts made
- If you find that your child is having difficulty every night, please arrange to meet the class teacher to discuss
- Set a suitable time for homework and take into account the need for play, relaxation and family time
- Provide a quiet time and place for the child to work in. Trying to do homework while watching T.V. is not a good idea
- Check your child’s homework and messages daily
- Never do homework for your child. You can always help, discuss or make suggestions
- A note of explanation is welcome if for some reason homework is not done or finished
- It would be very helpful if parents could listen to reading and also get involved in memory work such as tables and spellings